
Travelling Between London Stansted

With Buses, Coaches, Trains and Taxis and between London Airports

With London being such an exciting place to visit, and it being a great hub for travel, it is no surprise that many people are familiar with the airports of the English capital. There is a great selection of airports in London, and this means there is a lot of options to consider when travelling.

It might be that you need to travel from one airport to another as part of your journey. This seems stressful, but there are many quick and convenient ways to make this journey. If one of your destinations is Stansted Airport, we have advice and guidance that will help you make an informed decision as to how best join up a journey.

Travelling Between London Stansted - FAQs

How do I travel between Stansted Airport and Heathrow Airport?

The approximate distance between Stansted and Heathrow is 62 miles or 100 km. The average time taken to travel between Stansted Airport and Heathrow Airport varies on a few factors, but it can be driven in around an hour?

Can I take a coach between Stansted Airport and Heathrow Airport?

Yes. National Express runs a direct coach service between these airports, seven days a week. The expected journey time is one hour and 25 minutes, there are six services a day and at the most recent check, it cost £17 for a ticket.

Can I travel by train between Stansted Airport and Heathrow Airport?

While there is no direct train service between these airports, the Stansted Express takes less than 50 minutes to get to London Liverpool Street station. At peak times, the service runs every 15 minutes.

From Liverpool Street Station, you can take the London Underground, disembarking at Lancaster Gate and then switching at Paddington, and this will take you directly to Terminals 2 and 3 at Heathrow Airport.

How do I travel between Stansted Airport and Gatwick Airport?

The approximate distance between Stansted and Gatwick is 73 miles or 117 km.

Can I take a coach between Stansted Airport and Gatwick Airport?

There is a direct coach, operated by National Express that runs between these two airports. The total journey time will be around three hours.

Can I travel by train between Stansted Airport and Gatwick Airport?

While there is no direct transfer by train for these two stations, it is possible to make the journey by train.

Leave Stansted Airport by taking the Stansted Express to London Liverpool Street, and then transfer to London Victoria by the London Underground. Take the Gatwick Express from London Victoria to Gatwick Airport.

How do I travel between Stansted Airport and London City Airport?

The distance between Stansted Airport and London City Airport is 32 miles or 52 km. It can take around 40 minutes to drive this route, but of course, there are often delays to consider.

The most effective way to travel from Stansted Airport to London City Airport comes by this route:

1. Take the Stansted Express between the airport and Tottenham Hale

2. Take the London Underground between Tottenham Hale and Stratford

3. Take the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) between Stratford and London City Airport

The full journey takes close to an hour and a half, and the total journey cost varies between £17 and £34.

How do I travel between Stansted Airport and Luton Airport?

The approximate distance between Stansted and Luton Airport is 27 miles or 43 km.

Can I take a coach between Stansted Airport and Luton Airport?

Yes. National Express provides a direct coach service between these airports, seven days a week. The expected journey time is one hour and 25 minutes, and at the most recent review, the cost started at £15.10.

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